Saturday, April 18, 2015

Change in Plans!!!

Hey you guys it's Destini! If you are wondering why this blog post is called change of plans is,because I have a new and improved topic/driving question.Yay!! My new topic is creating my own blog from scratch and my driving question is,"Can I create my own blog?"

You might be wondering why I picked a new Genius Hour topic. Well, it all started like this; my dad and I were both talking about what really is Genius Hour and what other options I should do instead of knitting,(since my dad thinks it's a hobby for old people, not 15 year olds'). So, my dad was telling me that I could do something else besides knitting and apply it to real life that's still fun and interesting!! One topic that he came across was creating an actual blog for myself and since he is a web developer he would lovee to help me out!!

I made up my mind that this was what I was going to do; even though my original thought was knitting. I felt as if I could have lots more fun taking up a technology topic since we live in such a vast world surrounded by technology, that would just maybe benefitting my future career! Even though knitting would be a cool skill to learn; I believe being a genuis takes doing things that are beneficial to you and others!!

Thank you all for your sweet comments in my last blog post I will keep you all updated on my lastest blog posts! God bless and always remember...

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